Lois & Clark: «The Man of Steel Bars»

marzo 26, 2013 at 6:55 pm (Comic Books, Television) (, , , , , , , , , )

«Now look, Lois: Kent was a heck of a reporter, but so are you, and if anybody can find a way to save Superman, you can.»–Perry White 

«I have voluntarily agreed to leave Metropolis by noon tomorrow.  I believe it’s the best way to put all of your fears to rest.»–Superman

It’s not hard to determine what the biggest obstacle facing the production of Lois & Clark was: it was a Superman story without the money to make us believe a man could fly without it looking obviously greenscreened.  Still, the creators made the most of what they had, and when the series was on its game, they showed that while they couldn’t show Superman fighting Darkseid for the fate of the world, they didn’t need to.

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A couple of new reviews

marzo 10, 2013 at 8:31 am (Comic Books, Reviews) (, , , , , , )

So not surprisingly, it turns out that I can be productive–but only if there’s an outside force providing incentives, such as deadlines.  I haven’t written anything here for months, but I have managed to write up a couple of new reviews for the Trade Reading Order.

Morning Glories: Vol. 3: «P.E.»

Morning Glories Vol. 3


Even so, if the point comes ever comes where I realize that all the mystery is for naught, I still feel like I could enjoy Morning Glories, thanks to its characters, who continue to shine.  This volume in particular does a lot to flesh out Jade, who up to this moment had been little more than “the suicidal, gothy one”, as she opens up and proves to be actually quite interesting.  On the opposite end of the scale, Hunter, who’s been aggressively pushed as the most normal one in the bunch (read: he’s a socially awkward—yet strictly within the bounds of what is generally considered attractive–geek), displays a rather ugly side to himself in this volume, as he slut-shames classmate Zoe.  While the incident isn’t cut-and-dried—this occurs just after Zoe herself insults him, and she later stops him from apologizing, making it impossible to know just what it is he later feels remorse for—it’s the sort of thing that makes me worried about potential problematic outcomes.  While Nick Spencer has proven himself a capable writer, past experience with other stories has taught me not to be optimistic when it comes to geeky, socially awkward characters in fiction.  Meanwhile, Zoe herself continues to kick ass as she takes advantage of circumstances like a boss,  Ike’s shtick as someone who wants to convince the world that he is nothing more than a heel and cad continues to wear thin, and Jun’s arc continues being pleasantly surprising.


Static Shock – Trial by Fire

Static Shock!-Trial By Fire

As the main player in the book’s drama, Virgil naturally gets most of the writers’ attention, and he makes the most of it.  Over the course of the four issues collected here, he comes across as a person with various different dimensions, some of which help make him flawed—he’s entitled, especially when it comes to women—but mostly sympathetic and fun to follow.  Perhaps more importantly, he is both smart and smartassed, in a way that could have easily felt derivative but instead marks him as is own person and serves to highlight the way race affects him.  Virgil is very eager to stand out, and its hard not to think that his persistent flaunting of his vocabulary and references nobody else gets is his way of pushing back against narratives of how black men should be.  It’s also rather fun and refreshing to see a geek who is openly a geek and yet manages to avoid the common stereotypes associated with geekdom.

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