Fan Fiction: «The Aquarium»

octubre 19, 2015 at 3:30 am (ABC Family, Chasing Life, Fan Fiction, Ian Writes) (, , )

Greer´s Back

So Chasing Life, one of my favorite new shows of the last few years, got cancelled earlier this month.  Worse still (depending on how you look at things) it ended with most of its ongoing plots unresolved, including the one where Brenna Carver dealt with the return of ex-girlfriend and fellow cinnamon roll Greer Danville to Boston.  The episode itself indicated that Brenna was getting ready for a night out with Greer at the New England Aquarium, before being interrupted by other events.  We never got to see the date, which is an absolute crime, particularly since we hadn’t seen Greer all season.   So I wrote it.

At the entrance to the New England Aquarium, Greer Danville tried not to pace.
She wasn’t normally this anxious.  Correction: she wasn’t normally this visibly anxious.  Correction correction: she wasn’t normally this excited.  Yes, that was better.  In any case, it was all Brenna Carver’s fault.

Greer had not known what to expect when she’d showed up at Brenna’s house the previous day.  The two former girlfriends were still on friendly terms, and their break-up had everything to do with external factors and nothing to do with the way they actually felt about each other, but still, a lot could change in five months.  Brenna’s social media feed, at least, had suggested some level of moving on, and Greer had convinced herself that she was fine with that, if that was the case.

(Correction: almost convinced herself.)

The rest of the fic can be read at

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