Two Recent Instances of Ableism In TMNT Worth Discussing

abril 5, 2014 at 5:14 pm (Ableism, Animation, Comic Books, Tropes that annoy) (, , , , , , )

[Content Note: Ableism, ableist slurs, hostility to consent]

April Clone

With Nick’s TMNT long since having crossed the line from being «occasionally problematic» to “actively immoral and loving it”, I haven’t felt the need to try and dissect the series in any great detail recently.  The problems are the same as they’ve ever been, they’ve been discussed, and there’s really nothing new to say about them.

And then came the April Clone.

In the episode «The Kraang Conspiracy», the turtles and April discover that series baddie The Kraang, who need April (or more specifically, her genes–because why else would a girl be valuable?) in order to further their plans, have attempted to clone her many times over.  While incapable of furthering their plans, these clones are, with one exception, still perfect reproductions of April…all except for one.  That single clone, which the episode and Michelangelo eventually end up calling April Derp after the most frequent word in her vocabulary,  is set against the turtles, whom she keeps on the ropes until she is eventually, and accidentally, killed by April, whose powers are unleashed by the stress of the situation.

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