A Trio of Birthdays

abril 18, 2013 at 9:08 pm (Comic Books) (, , , )

So seventy five years ago today, Superman, Clark Kent and Lois Lane came into this world.  Since then, they have saved the planet countless times and  inspired millions.  They haven’t always been perfect, handled as they have always been by imperfect people, but they’ve always represented our capability to do better, which is, in the end, all we can and should expect, always.

I don’t have much to say about the characters at the moment: I’m generally a slow writer and haven’t given it much thought, and the fact that there are far better writers than me doing excellent jobs elsewhere means there’s no urgency to it.

What I do plan on doing is writing a piece for the Women Write About Comics’ Lois Lane blog carnival.  It’s going to be on her Lois & Clark persona, because I like her, and because that’s what I was asked to write about.  And while the part of me that never likes what I write has concerns about doing justice to the topic and the character and the English language, another part of me relishes the challenge.  I’ve already got a first sentence.  Look for that here soon (ish).

In any case, happy birthday, Lois and Clark. You’ve been there all through my life, starting with those tapes of the Fleischer cartoon, and then though Lois & Clark, the comics, the animated series, the films and then through Lois & Clark again.  Hopefully you’ll still be there when I die, still inspiring people.  And thank you for all of the people involved in giving them life and spark; you’ve helped shape an icon, which at the end of the day is pretty damn cool.

Also, where’s my book with Lois and Superman as actual seventy-five year olds, DC?

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