The One with Two Amy Ackers (but One Sarah Shahi)

octubre 17, 2019 at 2:14 am (Television) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

So I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years. I like working on fanvids, but it’s also one of those things I don’t get to do a lot, and not at all since my last video, several years and one computer ago.

Thanks to a confluence of events–the purchase of an external DVD drive, which replaced my busted internal one; the unexpected opportunity to install a video editor, which came with the aforementioned drive (alas, it’s only a temporary trial version); and some fortuitous timing when it came to the obtaining footage–I finally managed it, and I couldn’t be happier with it.

What’s it about? Well, Alias, Nikita, and Person of Interest, of course.

I don’t know much about multi-fandom fanvids, but I know they are a thing, and a not-uncommon one, at that. Given that, I remain quite surprised at how few of them feature any of these three shows together, given all the storytelling devices and themes they share.  By my count, there are four Alias / Nikita music videos (one of them also using Dark Angel footage, which okay, makes sense), one Nikita / Person of Interest vid (focusing on Ryan and Root?), and one Alias / Person of Interest vid which is actually an Amy Acker video. Given those slim pickings, the world, by which I mean me, definitely needed something like this.  And so here it is.

Now, some things about this video:

  1. A lot of elements in this video come about as a response to things I’ve seen in other videos–for example, the short shrift often given to characters of color and especially black characters. While they’re still not as prominent as they could be, I tried my best to make their presence felt.  This might be the only Person of Interest fandom creation to argue that Alonzo Quinn is equal to Greer in importance (he is, darnit!).
  2. While how much a character appears on the vid depends a lot on how prominent they were on the show, there are some obvious exceptions. Katheryn Winnick shows up a lot for someone who guest-starred in two episodes out of a collective 281, and Rachel Gibson is not usually considered to be one of Alias’ primary cast members. That they’re both white blondes is probably a coincidence.
  3. That said, Katheryn’s appearance in the Nikita strut sequence is coincidental–2.04 just happens to be the one episode where Nikita is most obviously disguised.
  4. On the converse note, there are a bunch of important characters who barely appear in the video.  The major baddies are one. Vaughn is another, because this is a video I made, and it’s what he deserves.
  5. While I tried to showcase actors who played different characters across shows, Sterling K. Brown, the one actor to appear in all three, is seen nowhere on this video. Part of it is because two of those roles are minor, and part of it is because it’s hard to find parallels between the three roles. While there’s one place I could have put him in, it would have also been a spoiler.
  6. I really, really wanted to include footage from «The Telling,» but for some reason, the DVD with that episode proved impossible to rip.
  7. Also, you can sort of tell I had no Person of Interest season 1 footage handy.
  8. People who’ve heard me talk about Nikita know I love Jill Morelli, and I was this close to including her in the big hug montage, no matter how shoehorned it felt. Unfortunately (fortunately), the footage wasn’t cooperative, and in the end, there just wasn’t enough space to include her and characters who actually mattered. So in the end, I shoehorned her into the news segment transition instead.
  9. I am so, so happy that the half-second of footage of Jaden is the bit that represents the video. She’s awesome.
  10. It really didn’t occur to me that placing the footage of the Alias 5.08 skeletons next to the footage of Kara t-boning Donnelly’s car would make it seem as if the skeletons were all passengers in her truck. Still, it’s a happy accident I’m happy with.

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