Writing Exercise, July 17, 2023

julio 17, 2023 at 8:37 pm (Writing exercise)

The madam’s office stood in stark contrast to the rest of the estate: while tastefully appointed, it reminded Adam of his father’s office, rather than anything to do with sex work. Madam Twilight in general reminded Adam of him, for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. It wasn’t her demeanor, which, while authoritative, was also not lacking in warmth.  She was also neither the most fashionable of the women he’d seen over the last half an hour, nor the most deliberate in her sartorial choices.  In short, if he hadn’t met her at the office, he would have believed her just another of the house’s residents. 

“So, I understand we have you to thank for our Mary Jane’s safe return, doctor. Are you usually in the habit of strolling through the forest at night?”

“Sometimes,” he answered. No reason to give explanations he didn’t need to, yet. “Is she?” Against all logic, Mary Jane had acted as if were the most natural thing in the world for her to be at the grotto. Although he supposed it actually made more sense for her than for him, given that night brought as much—or as little—visibility as day did. 

“Well, our Mary Jane has always been independent. Clients appreciate that about her. And, as you’ve no doubt concluded, her instincts sometimes border on the uncanny. It’s not the first time she has managed to leave like that.” She said this without bitterness, almost amused. “But I didn’t call you here to talk about her.”

Adam ignored the sudden knot in his throat. “I can leave if you want. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“Oh, you’re adorable. No, please, stay for dinner. It’s the least we could do for you for your services. And the girls enjoy having someone around they don’t have to please. No, what I want to talk about is the fact that when she left last night, Mary Jane was, as she’d always been—what’s the technical term—vision impaired? This morning, she is not.”

“Well, the way she explained it, that was the whole reason she’d left was to find St. Agnes’ pool.”

Adam removed three years from his mental estimate of Madame Twilight’s age, as she theatrically rolled her eyes. “Let’s not act stupid. You and I both know the only miraculous thing about St. Agnes is that it’s still usable. It wasn’t the hot springs that healed Mary Jane. And so it must have been something else. After all, just because something isn’t magical doesn’t mean magic doesn’t exist.”

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